
Happy women’s day

The day has arrived after much anticipation by a large section of women which reminds us all how an individual should go along with an woman and young lady. International women’s day is celebrated on March 8th every year. The theme of 2015 is “Empowering women, Empowering humanity” which is proclaimed by UNO.
The willingness to listen,
The patience to understand. ,
The strength to support,
The heart to care &
Just to be there.
That is the beauty of a lady.
Here are some what a woman want from men…
Please listen when we talk. It shows us that you care about our feelings.
Dont make false promises.
She will be a caring daughter,  loving sister, darling wife and a responsible mother if you respect her. Dont take her for granted.
Especially when she gets married, she depends only on her husband. Stay beside her and support.  It will remain in her heart forever.
If a girl doesn’t follow the customs of her in law’s family it is a big crime. Whatif a married man doesn’t perform his duties? Beware!! She is a girl of new era.
She has her own feelings. If you respect then you will be her world. Else she has the strength to create her own world.
They are clever and can understand every single move of people around her and believe in body language rather than verbal language. Yoy cannot trap her with flattery words.
You cannot satisfy her with the money you earn, getting her costly jewels, dresses and other material things alone. Even a single rupee means a lot and will have value if you truly love her, care for her and feel for her.
I am very happy to have wonderful men around me. Loving dad and grandpa, loving and caring brother and husband and my dear friends(both boys and girls) who are beside me to share my joy, sorrow, to encourage me in every single step I take. Also happy to have lovely women around me especially my paati, my mom and my friends. Special thanks to them for giving me patience, courage, strength to face life happily, boldly, confidently and for sharing.
Happy Women’s day!!!

Niranjana Sankaranarayanan

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