Showing 3 Result(s)

Aadi month/ Aadi Maasam

Aadi month, also known as Aadi Maasam, is the fourth month in the Tamil calendar and holds great significance for Hindus. Starting in mid-July and ending in mid-August, this period marks the beginning of Dakshinayana punya kaalam, considered the onset of the night for the Devas. As Aadi arrives, a series of festivals follow, encapsulating …


Narasimha Jayanthi

Narasimha Jayanthi is celebrated on the Vaishakha Shukla Chaturdashi  by Hindus. Narsimha  Jayanti is a festival to please Lord Narasimha (Lord Vishnu’s fourth incarnation). God Narshima appeared as a half man and half lion to kill Hiranyakashipu demon. He is popularly known as lion-man or half lion-half man incarnation. This occasion is basically performed to …


Hanuman Jayanthi

In Tamil Nadu, Anjaneyar Jayanthi is observed on Moolam Nakshatram in the Margazhi month or Margali Masam, which is one of the most auspicious months in Tamil Calendar.  Hanuman Jayanthi is observed during various time of year by different Hindu communities. Majority of the people observe it on the Purnima or full moon day in …

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