Medicinal and Nutritional value

Medicinal value of Cumin seeds

Siddha Medicine is  the oldest, safest and the natural remedy associated with tamil speaking people in India.  In is mentioned in the books that this medicine was given by the God to Lord Muruga and he gave the knowledge about this to Agathiyar.  He is considered as the guru of all the Siddhars. He along with the navanatha siddhars developed the Tamil Language and the Tamil medicine-Siddha medicine.  I am going to share the medicinal property of cumin seeds and some of the medicines made using it. I came to know about this through a Television programme in tamil and would like to share it also with whoever cant follow tamil. Hats off to the channel for telecasting such an useful programme and the credit of this post goes to the tamil channel SUN TV. I thank my mom for suggesting me to watch this programme. Hope it will be very useful.

Cumin seeds- Seeragam

The Botanical name of Cumin seeds is  Cuminum cyminum. Before naming,Tamil people analyse the importance and uses of that product.  Seeragam is a literary translation of cumin seeds in tamil. Seeragam= Seer+ agam, seer means good or best or something that is clear and agam means inside. So seeragam helps in the functioning of endocrine glands properly. It has a chemical compound called cumine which has numerous medicinal properties.


Medicinal properties

  • Helps to fight against the diseases.
  • Helps in fast healing of wounds.
  • It has anti-cancerous properties.
  • Anti carminative and helps in curing gastric problems.
  • It is also anti- microbial, anti-fungal.
  • Due to its Anti – spasmodic property, it relieves us from the pain that occurs in various parts of our body.
  • When a teaspoon of cumin seeds is chewed, it removes the germs present in the teeth and also strengthens the gums. Also it is remedy for bad breath.
  • It is hepato protective and act as a coolant.
  • It helps in increasing the haemoglobin level and clears the blood.

It can be included daily in food. Rasam, South Indian soup is a dish that contains Cumin seeds, pepper, curry leaves and tamarind. It has a lot of medicinal value. Whenever i have cold and fever, I take this . But many people hate this recipe and has stopped making this at home regularly.  Also my mom makes seeraga paal (Cumin seeds milk) which is very good for the health. I will try to add that recipe very soon in my blog.


Soak the cumin seeds in lime overnight. Dry and powder it. Else preserve after drying it.


  • Take a teaspoon of the cumin seeds powder and mix it with half a teaspoon of butter.
  • Make it to a Indian gooseberry size ball.
  • Every morning have it in empty stomach.

Prickly heat

  • Mix the cumin seed powder with the lemon juice.
  • Apply it all over the body.


  • Mix the cumin seed with lemon juice and water and drink it.
  • It helps in digestion, to fight against gastric problems and heal the wounds.

Weight reduction

  • Mash the banana and mix it with cumin seed powder.
  • If consumed at night, it cures insomnia and helps to get a good sleep.

Vericose and Blood Circulation

  • Mix the cumin seed powder with pineapple juice and add 1 glass of water.
  • It has Anti helminthic property.
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