
Sooji papad

Papad/Fryums are thin, crispy tortilla like stuff that is either roasted or fried and accompanied with rice. My amma and both grandmothers make these crispy stuff at home during summer season. In my home we make these as a team work. Every single person at home will involve. We chit chat and enjoy doing these work. Missing those golden days. They wake up early in the morning and make vadam before the sunrises. And a portion of the fryum dough is always kept aside for us to eat.  I discussed with my NorthIndian friend about this and asked her about the papads they make in their home. One of it is Sooji papad. And the minute I heard about this, I found it different and wished to make it. She got the recipe from her mom and explained me. Here is the outcome of it.  Thank you so much Priyanka for the recipe.


Rava/Sooji – 1 cup

Water – 8 cups

Cumin seeds – 2 tsp

Salt – To taste


  • In a heavy bottomed pan, add sooji/Rava.
  • Add water into the pan and stir continuously. Donot forget to add salt at this stage.
  • Stir continuously and the mixture will start thickening slowly. At one stage, it will start boiling and will leave the sides.
  • At this stage add cumin seeds. Donot add in the beginning. It will change the colour of the papad.
  • Turn off the stove.
  • Spread the sheet in open terrace or under the fan.
  • Take a small ladle of the batter and spread gently on the sheet.
  • Dry it completely.  Store it in a container and use when required.
  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the fryums one by one.
  • Serve with hot sambar sadam or any rice of your preference.
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