Dear friends and my followers,
I am happy to tell you that I have been nominated for Blogger recognition award by Saumyaanadakrishnan from pamperurtastebuds. I came to know about her blog recently and you can find some interesting recipes there. Thank you Saumya for nominating me. Thuis is my second nomination after I started to blog and I am very happy about it. Recently I have started video blogging and you can find my videos here- My Youtube Channel. Its heartwarming to get a lot of appreciations, encouragements from the readers. Thank you Saumya!!!
Rules for Blogger Recognition Award
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide links to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Attach the award to your post.
- Write a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give a piece of advice to new bloggers.
- Select the 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them.
My blogging journey so far
I started writing my blog as a hobby and to record all the recipes from my mom and grandma. Later I learnt one recipe after the other from them and started posting it here. When I started to get followers, I experimented different dishes that we taste in the restaurant and from the books I read. But this was once in a while. Yes, I enter into the kitchen only when I have the mood to do something. My real blogging started after my wedding. It was then I started to cook on a daily basis. My husband is the person who taste my recipes and comment on it. He encouraged me to attend different classes. I started learning many recipes. Also before posting the recipe, I always send the photos to my parents and brother. They patiently see every thing and give me feedback. And amma, I thank you for patiently answering all my doubts in the traditional recipes inspite of your busy schedule. Now I have taken my blog to the next level with videos. Hope you will like it and enjoy. My real happiness lies in making my husband to love my cooking. Before our wedding, he hates rasam, pizza, pasta, dosai with chutney etc., But now, he himself will ask me to make rasam, to make chutney for dosai instead of sambar, parathas, etc., This is my journey…
Advise for new bloggers
Start writing your blog without expecting anything at first. Just enjoy posting. Initially when I started I had hardly 10 followers. But believe me, slowly you will get more followers. Post regularly. Start adding different categories to make people to read your recipes easily. Then please dont be in a hurry. And my main drawback was not interacting with the fellow followers. Please dont do that mistake. Now I have started interaction and they give me ideas. Its nice to have friends all around the world.
Here are my nominations and I congratulate you all….
- Masala Vegan
- Goanwiki
- Savvysouthindian
- Minaldalalblog
- Arusuvaiunavu
- Cooking-spree
- Cooking Delight
- Cookingwithawallflower
- www.cookiesnchem
- Humanity777
- Traditionallymodernfood
- Femmehavenn
Do check out their lovely blogs!
For those of you who accept this nomination…
- Create a blog thanking the blogger who nominated you and listing their site.
- Nominate few bloggers you follow and notify them.
- Share an experience that got you started blogging.
- Share a word of advice for fellow bloggers.