Showing 2 Result(s)

Coconut Chutney

   Coconut Chutey / thengai Chutney is a an easy and common side dish made for idli and dosai in South Indian households.  Though this is a very simple and easy one, I would like to post this for the beginners. Coconut chutney is my all time favourite.  I always like to have this as a …


Narasimha Jayanthi

Narasimha Jayanthi is celebrated on the Vaishakha Shukla Chaturdashi  by Hindus. Narsimha  Jayanti is a festival to please Lord Narasimha (Lord Vishnu’s fourth incarnation). God Narshima appeared as a half man and half lion to kill Hiranyakashipu demon. He is popularly known as lion-man or half lion-half man incarnation. This occasion is basically performed to …

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