Beverage Summer coolers

Musk melon juice

     Musk melon or cantaloupe is a perfect summer fruit. It has a high water content and  helps in hydrating our body during summer. It also prevents us from summer diseases. If you are counting your calories then this is the best fruit that you should opt for. It has low calorie and sugar content. It cintains Vitamin C, beta carotene,  potassium and folic acid. It helps us to maintain a young and healthy skin. It is recommended for persons with high blood pressure. We came to know about this fruit through our family doctor. So my appa will buy this during every summer and we will have it after sprinkling the sugar. We can make the musk melon juice with or without milk. And here is the recipe without milk.



Musk melon – 1

Water – 2 glasses

Sugar – 3 tbsp

  • Cut the musk melon into half.
  • Remove the seeds.

.Image Scoop out the flesh.


Mix the flesh, sugar and water in a mixie and grind it.


  •  Add remaining water to it and serve. You can also add ice cubes and serve it cool.


  • This is a very good juice during summer season.
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