Baking -Grilling-Toasting

Paneer Cheese stuffed bun

I wanted to make something new for my bro who has come for winter vacation. He hates Paneer but when I stuffed it into the bun along with other ingredients, he liked it a lot. It should be served hot. A very good and easy evening snack.


Small buns – 10

Cottage cheese(Paneer) – 50 gm

Cheese – 50gm

Cilantro – A bunch

Rock salt – A pinch

Salt- As required

Red chilli powder – As required


  • Grate paneer and cheese. Altogether it makes one cup.
  • Chop Cilantro into small bits and make 1/2 cup.
  • Now  mix cheese, paneer, salt, rock salt and red chilli powder well.
  • Take each bun and slice the bun cross-sectionally.
  • Now in the bottom portion, make a hole by scraping the bun in the center.
  • Now fill the hole with the prepared stuff, apply ghee and close it with the top portion.
  • Heat tava and place the buns on it to toast. Apply ghee on the top and bottom of the bun and toast it.
  • Carefully turn it upside down and toast well.
  • It can be served with tomato sauce.Image

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